3 thoughts on “On an unfortunate day in outpatient mental health…

  1. Ellen, I am growing more appreciative to the idea of a meme blog as a tool. Can you think of memes that might be clinically useful? I am a big fan of humor, and yet it is in many ways so unique to individuals that I’d worry that clients or patients might be injured by it in some way. What do you think?

  2. I enjoy reading your meme blogs, they definitely put a smile on my face! When I saw the title of put a bird on it, I kept on saying in my head “if you like it then you should have put a bird on it!” hahaha oh Beyonce.
    Anyway, In response to what Mike asked, I could see how some clients might be sensitive to these things, so maybe another type of blog would be suitable for them. Or maybe it can be a way that clients can kinda learn about some cultural norms that exist in the cyberworld, and how they relate to the real world too.

  3. OMG. That should so be a new meme with Beyonce and a bird.. or something (still formulating). Anyway, I guess for me, incorporating memes/humor would play out like this: I would suggest that my client create their own pinterest account. They could then make humor boards, inspirational quote boards, soothing/calm-down boards.. plus anything else! That way I’m not offending them with my own humor, and they have a tool they can use with their phone/computer at any time they need a boost or maybe even to feel understood (socially awkward penguin anyone?!) Plus, they can make their own and get the satisfaction of seeing others repin, like and comment on it if they so choose – and see that they’re not alone!

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